Micro-learning has been in vogue for quite some time. Every L&D expert talks about micro-learning as a panacea for all L&D problems. What is micro-learning and where can we actually go micro? Let’s check it out. What is Micro-learning? Micro-learning is short, super focused, digestible, and easily accessible learning content. To state it simple micro-learning…
Is Technology manipulating Learning?
E-Learning now has become a conversation all about buzzwords and features, which are not around learning. Software and software companies are dictating what online learning should be and industry professionals are drinking the kool-aid. Although, software tools allow you to make the content more exciting, unfortunately, more and more e-learning content nowadays is covered in…
Learner Driven Learning
Let learners have swayThat’s the only way Very often we find learning being thrust upon the learners. All the stakeholders in the corporate elearning scene seem to have more say in creating learning than the reason for it- the learners themselves. How about giving more power to learners in the making of a successful learning?…
Working with SMEs Effectively – Things You Should Know!
When developing an online training, think of the challenges that you come across: timelines, efforts, content gaps, content change, last-minute iterations, working with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)? Almost every eLearning solution requires the involvement of SMEs. As learning designers, all of us have had the experience of working with SMEs and we all agree that…
Design Thinking-The Crux of the Matter
Thought my way was right Forgot the customer is always right! What is Design Thinking?Design Thinking is a set of principles for creating problem solving leading to human-centered products, services and internal processes. It unlocks needs and problems, even when the user doesn’t know what they are.Design Thinking is a focus on people and listens…