“Extended Enterprise” is anybody outside of your company who can affect your organization’s bottom line. This includes channel distribution partners, dealers, franchisees, resellers, contractors, and customers. For modern organizations, training and certifying your “Extended Enterprise” audience is a critical responsibility. The utter scale of training and monitoring staff globally in the extended enterprise is a…
Gamification: A Play and Learn Approach
This article aims to shed light on effective learning through Gamification. Globally, companies have slowly yet successfully warmed up to the concept of Gamification to improve employee productivity. The unprecedented upheaval due to corona virus crisis has proved that the only safest, best option in the new normal corporate training scenario is virtual/digital learning. This new…
Learning Experience Platform – Further Unfolded
In the last article we discussed- what is a learning experience platform and the emergence of Learning Experience Platforms. In this article we will take a look at LXP enablers in detail, key features of LXP and compare LXP with LMS. LXP enablers An important set of drivers that were accelerators for the digital transformation…
Learning Experience Platform- Be Ready For the Future
Organizations have been using Learning Management Systems (LMS’s) for a long now. But as training requirements started changing, learning stake holders in companies realized that there was something amiss. There was a strong realization of the necessity for a more diverse and robust learning environment. This has led to the emergence of Learning Experience Platforms…
Adult Learning Theories – A Foundational Necessity in Instructional Design
The goal of an Instructional Designer is to create the courses that make a difference in the audience’s lives. The courses should be able to change the mindsets, inspiring and drive performance. Instructional Designers face challenges when their learners are adults with previous knowledge and fixed ideas about what works for them. To facilitate learning…